What Types of Auto Insurance Are Required in South Carolina?

If you own a car in South Carolina, you need auto insurance. You see, that’s not just good advice—it’s the law. But some drivers don’t realize there are different types of car insurance policies to choose from. If you aren’t sure what...

5 Things to Look for in an Auto Insurance Policy

Auto insurance is a necessity, not a luxury. It’s true that you’re required by law to have it, but it also makes good financial sense to protect the investment you’ve made in your vehicle. However, not all auto insurance policies are created equal....

4 Reasons You Need Renters Insurance

If you own real estate, it’s a no-brainer that you need home insurance. But what if you’re renting a home or apartment? In this case, you need renters insurance. Unfortunately, many renters look at this coverage as an option rather than a necessity. The...

Start 2017 With a Homeowners Insurance Review

There’s nothing more valuable than your home. That’s why you have to make sure to protect it. From the structure itself to all of your belongings, homeowners insurance is the best way to make sure you don’t suffer a financial loss should anything...

More Money-Saving Tips for Your Auto Insurance Policy

In our last post, we talked about ways to save money on your auto insurance policy in 2017. Today, we’d like to give you a little more information so you can make the best decisions while helping your budget. Dive Into Discounts Last time, we briefly mentioned...